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Rooted in God's Word; Empowered by God's Spirit; Engaged in God's World.

Monday, 2 May 2016


We first encountered Florencia on my birthday. We were going as a family to a café for breakfast and as we were travelling saw a lady struggling to maneuver her tricycle up a hill. A large truck was behind her on the road and was peeping his horn signaling his disapproval that she was holding up the traffic. We were in the other lane. The traffic lights turned red and I jumped out of the car and ran to her to push her up the hill. I pushed her a distance and found out that she was on her way to a physiotherapy session at the hospital. I took her number and we then started to visit her with members of the T3 church. She spent time in the past in hospital completely paralysed. Now she lives in a little room at the back of a plot of ground. She has one son who is in an orphanage as she cannot look after him. Life is very difficult. She tries to make the journey to the hospital 3 times a week hoping that her situation will improve. One day she rang us in desperation saying that she had fallen out of her tricycle on the road and hurt herself. Melvin and I went to help her. Pray that Christ’s love will be evident to this precious lady and that she will come to know Christ. Pray that God will touch her body so she gains more mobility.

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