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Rooted in God's Word; Empowered by God's Spirit; Engaged in God's World.

Monday 9 April 2012

Why Not Celebrate?

This is a photo of Noah sleeping beside me!! I am hoping that he sleeps long enough for me to finish this blog! Melvin is teaching at the Seminary today! We continue to rejoice as we see the students learn week by week. Two weeks ago APEC (Child Evangelism Fellowship) taught about the importance of ministering to children. It is so encouraging to hear the positive feedback from this lesson. We pray that the students will now implement what they have learnt.

Thank you for your prayers as we travelled back from South Africa last Monday. Our journey was really smooth, praise God! At the border they didn't even ask for any paperwork for Noah and Customs were easy on us after being greeted by cheery Abigail!

We see some interesting sights on our travels! This minibus full of people was in front of us! (photo below) The trailor on the back was full of all kinds of things, as we say 'everything but the kitchen sink' (however, there may have been a kitchen sink somewhere on there!!).

On Tuesday, Melvin went to our Embassy to start the process for Noah's passport. We cannot go out to South Africa again until we get this! We were able to complete the form and had to take Noah for his first passport photo on Wednesday before passing the Embassy to submit the paperwork. They say that it will take a month to process. Pray that it will be processed quickly! When we receive this we then need to start the process with the Mozambican government to get a resident Visa for Noah. We would like to go out to South Africa in about a month in order to get vaccines for Noah and also I have a check-up scheduled with our doctor.

Noah is doing well! Thank you for your prayers! Please continue to pray for protection for him from malaria or other illnesses. We cannot yet give him medication to protect from malaria until he is older. Pray for us as a family as we adjust! Noah has not been sleeping well at night-I think he has his days and nights mixed up! Also, today has been really hot so he sleeps during the day and wants to play at night when it is cooler. The twins have reached the 'terrible two's' so we need much wisdom as we deal with them!

This weekend was a special weekend in the Mozambican calendar. Saturday was the Dia de Mulher (Woman's Day). We decided to have a celebration at our house on Sunday for Easter, the Dia de Mulher, to introduce Noah, for Lou Lou and Carissa's birthdays. There were multiple reasons to celebrate!! We invited our Mozambican church leaders ... a great opportunity to build relationships with our brothers and sisters!

The men chatting!

The ladies chatting!

The children playing!

Carissa Pickett (daughter of Jim, interim director of the seminary) & Luana Almeida cutting their cake!

Joshua enjoying cake!

We honoured the ladies by giving them a gift to thank them for all their work in the churches.

Below-the ladies singing after receiving their gifts!
It was a great day of eating, chatting and enjoying time together!

Resting after a busy day!!!

We praise God for our colleagues the Picketts and the Almeidas and also for our Mozambican brothers and sisters! We pray that together we will see God's Kingdom come here in Mozambique!

1 comment:

Sam Walker said...

Fab to hear that you are all getting on so well. I'll be in Nelspruit area next week for a few days, and then going up to see David and Kate before a week in Zambia. Shame I've missed you - could be interesting if Baby Walker appears before schedule! Take care.