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Rooted in God's Word; Empowered by God's Spirit; Engaged in God's World.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Man shall not live by bread alone

We spent the weekend of the 17th-19th August in Johannesburg.  Our return trip was over 1,200km - the children did very well!  Our purpose was four-fold.  We were able to collect sample all-terrain wheelchairs from the factory, spend time with our friends, Liam and Jen Clarke and their family, speak at St. Andrews Community Church (the Clarke's Church) and collect Denver and Joanne from the airport (my brother and sister-in-law). 
 One of the design features of these chairs - wide front caster wheels designed to glide over uneven surfaces!  We are exploring how these could be of benefit here.
The Irish appear to be cold in Africa!!!! Yes we were!  We had to borrow coats!  It warmed up later in the day ....
 Jen with her daughter-in-law Anna and grandson Jonathan (above) and Liam doing what South Africans do best (below)!
 Joshua and Abigail - Giving hugs!!
 Sharon led the youth group on friday night.  The theme 'Transformation' (above).  Church on Sunday morning (below).

Who is holding a baby? ;-)
 ... Now to the wildlife
 While Denver and Joanne were with us we were at a wedding.  A different experience!

Just last weekend, I made a trip to Inhambane province with a Mozambican Pastor and a visiting Missionary couple from Brazil.  The photo shows training taking place with some church leaders.
How do you welcome visitors into your church? 
Where the saints meet ... affordable, comfortable and beautiful!
Our Vegetable patch!
Today, Wednesday 5th September we had our first rains for the season.  Pray that this will be a good growth season with a bountiful harvest!  Man shall not live by Bread alone but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God! Matthew 4 v 4. Pray for spiritual growth and a bountiful spiritual harvest too.  God willing, Sharon will commence a 10 week Culinary Bi-Vocational Course with the Seminary Students next Monday, 10th September.  We are also working on Ministry placement opportunities for the students.  Thank you so much for reading our blog.  We really value your prayers! These days are busy and tiring!!! Drop us an email an let us know how you are-we love to hear from you!!

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