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Rooted in God's Word; Empowered by God's Spirit; Engaged in God's World.

Thursday 30 April 2015

Train Up a Child: Khongolote Sunday School

Sunday used to be a day of dread for me. Why?  Surely not, I'm a missionary!  How could that be?  Imagine a Sunday service which lasts at least two and a half hours, in 30-40 degree heat, delivered in Portuguese and Shangaan, with 4 children aged 5 years and under!  There have been many Sundays when we came home exhausted and wondering how we were going to survive!  Is there any way that our children could enjoy Church and maybe learn something?  Historically, Sunday School started at 7.30am.  The Church service started at 9am and ended at 11.30 or 12.00.  Our desire is that our children would love church, would make friends there and grow in their knowledge and love for God. Staying at home with our children is not an option.  As a result, we started to take our children out after the first hour of the Church service, along with any other children who desired to come.

We tell a story, teach a memory verse, do a quiz and have colouring sheets for the children to colour in.  It was and still is a challenge to prepare and present the lesson in portuguese! It is nothing spectacular but we entrust this 'little' into the hands of God.  God is taking the Church on a journey!  For many months it was just Melvin, I and two teenage girls managing 30+ children of all ages.  The Church has watched from the sidelines, but slowly helpers are coming on board!

They have cancelled the 7.30am Sunday School that was also under-staffed and so all the children are welcomed and accommodated during the Church service. The children take part in the service for the first hour and then go to their classroom for the children's program.  Melvin and I teach the 11 year olds and younger.  Our Mozambican brother, Abel teaches the 12+ year olds.  Last Sunday we had 60 children in our group.  It is not without its challenges but we praise God for what He is doing.  With those that are now willing to volunteer, it is time to create a rota so that everyone can from time-to-time have a Sunday off.  They are now wanting to divide the group again so we can minister to each age group more specifically.

My heart soars when I hear my children, even Noah, who has just turned 3 years, recite verses of Scripture in Portuguese!  My children love church, they have friends and are learning more from God's Word.  We have the wonderful privilege of investing in the lives of these children - tomorrow's leaders.

Pray for Joyce.  She is a beautiful 10 year old girl.  She has such a hunger for God's Word.  She is eager to learn and has already memorised many verses of Scripture.

Please pray for us as we continue to invest in lives Sunday by Sunday.  Pray for strength, protection, helpers, personal spiritual refreshing, our children, the children in Khongolote, the leadership.

Why not accept our challenge to learn a verse in portuguese!?!

Salmos 119:11Guardo no coração as tuas palavras para não pecar contra ti.

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